Thursday, October 21, 2010


        I feel that the poem Mother to Son by Langston Hughes is very touching. Alot of people, or almost everyone would be able to relate to this poem, because not everyone's life is either perfect or close to perfect. This poem tells how a mother is telling her son not to give up, but to keep on going and working towards his dream. To live a better life.

       In this poem, the mother is explaining to her son that she didn't give up, so he shouldn't give up. If you give up in life, then you won't move forward, or take the next step, or you won't get anywhere. But, if you keep on going, and don't quit, then you will get to better places. Also, in the line:
"Don't you fall now--
For I'se still goin, honey, "
I wrote a note saying that the mother is trying to tell her son that he won't be able to get back on the track he was on before. That he will always be a step behind.

       Lastly, in this stanza:
"But all the time
I'se been a climbin' on,
And reachin' landins',
And turnin' corners,
And sometimes goin' in the dark,
Where there ain't been no light"
I wrote that she is trying to tell her son that when you go on in life, you can make it to new places. Places where you haven't been before and experience new things. Alot can be accomplished in life if you just keep moving forward. That's what I appreciate and have learned from this poem, Mother to Son.

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